英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 18:45:21
  • 网络解释

1. 错误得越出常规:out in the cold 受冷落 | out of line 错误得越出常规 | out of my line 外行

2. 不成直线, 不一直, 不协调:standard machinery 普通机械 | out of line 不成直线, 不一直, 不协调 | preocoteine 前奥靠梯木碱

3. 不在一条线上:out of joint 脱节 | out of line 不在一条线上 | out of mesh 不啮合的

4. 爱过了火:The Anniversary Party 周年派对 (2001) | Out of Line 爱过了火 (2001) | Militia 火线尖兵(2000)

Managers admit privately that things got way out of line.(私底下,银行经理也承认,现在事情实在太过分了。)
SVR is trained out of line, and used online.(对SVR采用离线训练,在线应用的方法。)
But in the end the value of assets moves out of line with their fundamental worth, the supply of new buyers runs out and the bubble bursts.(但是,当资产价格最终脱离它们的内在价值,同时没有新买家出现时,泡沫就会破裂。)
It turns out that this common perception is out of line with reality (it's actually Wednesday).(而事实是,人们通常的这种看法并不符实(实际上是星期三)。)
In reply to your letter, we find your price out of line with the present market.(滋答复你方信函,我方认为你们的价格与市场行情不一致。)
London prices are way out of line with the rest of the country.(伦敦的物价与英国其他地方存在着很大的差异。)
It would not be out of line to find multiple iterator implementations in one method, the specific one returned being determined at runtime.(它也不需要在一个方法中去查找多个迭代器的实现,特定的迭代器都是在运行时才确定的。)
Your budget request is way out of line.(你们要求的预算根本不能达到。)
Although total housing supply is not far out of line, the distribution of supply between the rental and owner-occupied markets remains distorted.(尽管楼市的总供给没有太大的偏离,但是租房市场和售房市场的供给比例还是不太协调。)
The lifeguards make sure nobody gets out of line, and everyone goes home feeling better than when they arrived.(警卫会确保没有人失控犯规,每个人回家时感觉都比来的时候好。)
out of line是什么意思 out of line在线翻译 out of line什么意思 out of line的意思 out of line的翻译 out of line的解释 out of line的发音 out of line的同义词